Get your apps, websites and graphics up to speed!
The normal plan is full access to all features and is great for most users.
The awesome+ adds our unique precision model for extra feedback and recommendations.
Normal access
Evaluate up to 2 designs per day.
All AI evaluations done within up to 30 minutes.
Evaluation includes Positives, negatives, typography, colors, marketing copy.
Awesome+ access
All that’s in Normal and
Up to 10 designs per day.
Access to our most precise model that gives more detailed feedback within 24 hours.
How it works
Our AI 🤖 reviews your projects and suggests what to fix. Trained on our 25+ years of industry experience, you get feedback in ⚡️ minutes!
Early access seats left 300/300
We are offering 50% lower prices for our first 300 users. What it means is that if you subscribe right now, you get to keep the price for as long as you’re subscribed.
We will be adding more features to both plans and those will come to you without any extra cost.